HomeTECHNOLOGYWhat To Consider In The Website Structure

What To Consider In The Website Structure

Below are the salient points that help in exploring the complex world of the web that one needs to consider in making the website structure.

The Importance Today Of The Presence On The Web

Today in India, it is estimated that around 75% of the Indian population regularly uses the Internet, with an average daily stay time of around 6 hours. Almost 50% of users connect to the Internet from a mobile phone, and 55% use social networks regularly. Furthermore, a study was published in which 90% of online users used search engines to get information on goods and services. 

This demonstrates that this is the most significant point of contact for people on the Internet. As far as companies are concerned, it is estimated that 75% of them have a website, while the European average stops at around 80%. Still, only 20% of these companies sell via the web, against 35% of the European average. It follows that being present on the web today is an non deferrable obligation as an opportunity for corporate and business growth.

How To Be Present On The Web

One immediately thinks of creating a professional website. Still, one needs to consider the importance of the website structure, which is a fundamental aspect on which the user experience is based. We mentioned above the Italian delay in terms of the web presence by companies, with averages below those of industrialized countries; however, according to the latest data, in progressive and sustained growth, considering the average daily time that Italian users spend on the Internet.

The web is a boundless square of opportunities and a possible meeting place for almost everyone. Therefore any company needs to have a professional website, but how to do it? It is a relatively easy operation. It would help if you started by buying any free domain on the net, using one or more CMS on the market, for example, WordPress or Joomla, or rely on professional agencies who know everything about websites and don’t waste time because time is; we say this to discourage DIY.

Know and use the social platforms present on the web; who doesn’t know Facebook? In addition, we also find Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin and others. Therefore creating a professional Facebook page is a simple and fast operation. Afterwards, with a mail program and a list of contacts identifiable on the net, communications on the products or services of interest can be sent to convince people to buy or get to know them; from this moment on, problems may arise to be solved.

Building The Strategy To Be On The Internet

At the basis of every strategy, there is an analysis of what you are and what you sell. Or a service you are interested in. We then move on to the customer definition phase. To do so, we give him a name and create the so-called Buyer Persona, imagining his problems and how they can be solved.

All this serves to identify the “ideal customer” by identifying a real goal to be achieved. For example, you want to be better known, generate new customers or interact with them. We then move on to content planning to try to intercept potential customers.

Website Structure: How To Create A Professional Website

The website must, above all, represent the company and convey its philosophy and Professionalism. A beautiful and professional website never hurts to be seen and consulted without getting bored with attractive graphics. It is certainly usable also from a mobile phone; it is no coincidence that 50% of users connect to the Internet from a mobile phone.

Finally, the site’s easy navigation is a point in favor of the user’s permanence, who will inspect all the pages and offers contained therein; for this reason, the website structure is essential.

How To Get Traffic To The Website

After having carried out all the preparatory steps for creating a professional website, it is necessary to attract traffic and potential customers. The first thing to do is advertise on the Internet through a paid campaign.

 It is necessary to allocate a budget to use, study the right keywords, the famous “Keywords”, preferably including more words and therefore more specific and finally write the most appropriate announcements about the activity. Then, advertise on the Internet and work carefully on the site’s positioning on search engines ( SEO ) which, even if it takes longer, certainly offers results that last over time.

How To Advertise Online

Advertising campaigns can be implemented via the Internet using Paid including Google ads, Facebook ads, Linkedin Pulse, and others, with which, after analyzing the keywords to be used, users are taken to the dedicated “Landing Page” pages designed to convert the user from a visitor to a potential customer.

 Then optimize the promotion campaigns of the website by always putting your corporate identity in the foreground, what you sell and who you sell to, continuing to perform all those useful and strategic activities to obtain or improve the site’s positioning on search engines.

How To Create A Professional Facebook Page

To make the most of the website’s presence on the Internet, you must then use social channels, searching for the most suitable and congruent with the activity. After having identified them, we proceed with creating a professional company page, together with drafting an editorial plan which will be necessary to identify the type of post to be used, as well as those to be sponsored.


In conclusion, after the first strategic phase, useful for positioning the company and the products or services, a new content strategy is built for the specific reference target, putting in place all the necessary tools to make it as effective as possible. As can be seen, strategy is the fundamental element to going effectively on the Internet without running the risk of wasting time and money.

More often than not, however, it is good to rely on professionals who, with their experience and Professionalism, can accompany the company in the direction the manager wishes. Before contacting a professional, it is always better to outline what you want while always staying in the real world. It is important to consider some basic elements before relying on a professional, i.e. evaluate the Professionalism, the Timeliness, the method; the price; the Assistance.

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